Friday, March 22, 2013

5 on a Friday: Breakfast foods

It's been a while since I've done a "5 on a Friday" post. But then again, its been a while since I blogged properly. My bad!

Today is holiday here in South Africa which only means one thing - sleeping in, having leisurely breakfasts and wearing pj's way past a decent hour. I wont lie, I'm not a morning person so not having to wake up at 6am to catch the school bus is a real treat. Ironically, breakfast is my favorite meal of the day...and herewith my 5 favorite breakfast treats:

This is a relatively new thing for me, and it started off as a pre-dinner appetiser but lately I love starting my days with a nice big glass of chilled tomato juice. Add a splash of Jalapeno Tabasco to spice up the day!

I very rarely have this, as my hips don't need no buttery hollandaise sauce to help their cause. But whenever I go out for breakfast I will almost definitely have me some Eggs Benedict thank you very much!

Then there is delicious warm french toast with crispy bacon and maple syrup...who can resist? I find it pretty hard, I must admit...

...but then I wake up and realise that there is no way in hell that I will have time to make any of above mentioned breakfast foods and be on time for work so I stay loyal to my old faithful - Kellogg's All Bran with some extra bran, a handful of raisins or sliced banana and warm milk. For some reason I never seem to tire of it.

But there are those mornings when I have an extra few minutes and the option of not eating my breakfast out of a box. It's on those mornings that I make myself a bowl of steaming hot oats and as if that is not enough, I add a dollop of peanut butter. Sounds weird? It really is quite wonderful. A better comfort food (which is also healthy and not fattening) is yet to be invented. Go on, try it. You will love me forever, I promise!

All images found on flickr.

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