Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Today I am thankful for...............

...overindulging in fruit and veggies!!!
The one thing I miss most about home, except for Chris, my mom, sisters and Earl Grey tea, is the fruit and veggies. South Africa is known for their excellent export quality fresh produce and one advantage of living in this beaut of a country, is that you are spoilt with the best fruit and vegetables at dirt cheap prices. This is not the case in Korea - first of all, the fruit here is not half as beautiful or tasty as their South-African counterparts, and secondly its very VERY  expensive. So today, when me and a friend met for lunch I ditched a main and head straight for the amazing salad bar!  I probably had three helpings of fruit, veggies and salad without feeling the slightest bit guilty.
Its fruit and vegetables after all, and who feels guilty about fruit and vegetables?! Even if you had three plates of it....and the Korean waiter looked at you like you were something that escaped from Mars.


Jill said...

ahhh, fruit and veggies! I love them! I have an entire bowl of grapes in my fridge that I bought yesterday and 10 green apples! mmmmm :) Oh, and dinner last night was boiled corn with salt! So delicious!

Truchen said...

Oooh, I love boiled corn. I think thats just what Ill have for dinner tonight too :-) Off to visit the market now - hiehie!!!